Celebrate Father's Day with Tia Leaf Tie-Shaped Palm Leaf Trays

Celebrate Father's Day with Tia Leaf Tie-Shaped Palm Leaf Trays

This Father's Day, honor Dad with a unique touch of eco-friendly elegance using Tia Leaf special tie-shaped palm leaf trays. Crafted from Areca palm leaves, these trays not only showcase your appreciation but also contribute to environmental sustainability. Available in dimensions of 12 inches by 5 inches, they come in convenient packs of 10, 20, and 50, ensuring you have the perfect quantity for your celebration.

Features of Tia Leaf Tie-Shaped Seasonal Palm Leaf Trays

Eco-Friendly Materials: Made from Areca palm leaves, these trays are biodegradable and compostable, reflecting Tia Leaf commitment to environmental responsibility.

Unique Design: The tie-shaped trays add a personalized and festive touch to your Father's Day festivities, making them perfect for serving Dad's favorite snacks or treats.

Size Options: Available in packs of 10, 20, and 50 trays, ensuring flexibility to suit gatherings of any size.

Celebrate with Tia Leaf

Make this Father's Day extra special with Tia Leaf's tie-shaped palm leaf trays, designed to enhance your celebration while reducing environmental impact. Whether you're hosting a family gathering or an event honoring fathers, these trays embody both style and sustainability.

Happy Father's Day from Tia Leaf!

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